
Showing posts from 2019

Author G.K.Ray

So, it's me again. I visited the blog on a whim after a friend asked me to look at hers and thought I ought to update mine. Here I am. As the title of this blog suggests, I published a book. The same Young Adult piece I'd worked on since 2009 was edited and published in October 2018 through Amazon: FRACTURED SERAPH. Yes, I self-published. It was a hard road, but a road I've wanted to be on for years. I learned a lot about the industry and the process of routine writing. After I sent out 40+ query letters, each one specifically designed toward the needs and wants of the agent, I got a slew of rejections, a few no answers, and one interested party based in England. That publishing house was keen on my story so long as I signed a contract that split the cost 50/50. I wanted to go with them desperately, but where on earth would I find the thousands of dollars they asked for? Come to find out, I was better off going my own way. I published with the help of a local editor who