
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Social Anxiety of an Anxious Writer

*Sighs* Hi, again... The last time I ever considered posting here, it was over two years ago. I suppose that could be a sign I should delete this blog... If I'm not using it, what's the point? But hey, it is here, it is a platform like my YouTube channel, and I feel like writing instead of speaking. So here it goes. Another post. I have had an interesting four to six weeks. To be honest, I'm not sure how long it has been. But I know I have kept busy running to this appointment or that errand or seeing that friend or meeting this person... I have taken notes for new stories (two to be exact -- thanks, Nanowrimo). Neither are finished and both are at a stand still while I sort out a third project from even longer ago. Note to self: Finish something before you start ANYTHING else! Not... that... I can control where the muse takes me. If I am going to write about a young woman who takes herself for a walk in the woods and loses herself in the divine, metaphysical aspects of N